DATE: Sunday, March 10, 2019
Time: 1:00PM
Inspection available at noon .
Due to an inclement weather forecast, this auction has been rescheduled for March 10th;
Toys, toys and more toys! Toddler toys, baby toys, youth toys, inside toys, outside toys, commercial heavy-duty outdoor playground equipment, dolls, Tonka trucks, kids toys, kitchenware, shopping carts, picnic tables, sesame treet toys and more! Sleeping cots, sleeping mats, lots of children's chairs, tables, and tables with retractable legs (can raise and lower), children's books and games, child couches and desks, child's water fountains, toddler porcelain toilets (these are hard to find), multiple high chairs and baby changing tables with storage underneath, multiple floor rugs and mats, LOTS of children's cubbies and storage systems, baby gates, baby playpens, rocking chair, LOTS of training material! Refrigerator, chest deep freezer, cookware, serving utensils, serving trays, pots/pans, multiple dish towels, commercial can opener, commercial fire suppression system, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, microwave, microwave cart with storage, storage cabinets, nice well built 5' wooden cabinet, multiple storage crates, commercial grease trap, metal roll cart, fire extinguishers, wall blinds, curtains, wall art, wall training boards for children (see photos), multiple commercial outdoor play stations, railroad ties, mop sinks, bathroom vanities, commercial bathroom towel dispensers, ceiling fans, commercial time clock system with card rack, fax machines, copy machines, multiple hats, slushie machines, popcorn maker, commercial signage, building signs, surveillance system with intercom system, commercial mop bucket, humidifier, office equipment including multiple desks and chairs, multiple storage racks and shelving, youth chairs, toddler chairs, metal filing cabinets, children's costumes, cleaning supplies, cabinets, cash register, adding machines, office supplies, office chairs, kitchen tables and chairs, tv's VCR's and tv stands, LOTS of children VCR tapes, multiple vacuum cleaners, carpet shampoo equipment, metal storage racks, building full of carpen (2'x2' squares), outdoor Christmas decorations, commercial mirrors and LOTS more!